They (we) most certainly do! Pumping our tax dollars into failed public schools with agendas that are counter to our beliefs, yet not utilizing the school system should equal tax breaks!Great post!
This would probably give more incentive for children to receive important instruction from unaccredited teachers.
There are some interesting points on both sides. I've been considering homeschooling, so I'll be interested to hear about the developments either way.
Since the parent has decided not to use the public school system, I think so.
Good Post
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They (we) most certainly do! Pumping our tax dollars into failed public schools with agendas that are counter to our beliefs, yet not utilizing the school system should equal tax breaks!
Great post!
This would probably give more incentive for children to receive important instruction from unaccredited teachers.
There are some interesting points on both sides. I've been considering homeschooling, so I'll be interested to hear about the developments either way.
Since the parent has decided not to use the public school system, I think so.
Good Post
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