Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Blawg Review #16

Blawg Review #16 is up at Objective Justice. Sean writes:
When I signed up to host Blawg Review a few months ago I really had no idea if there was going to be anything interesting to discuss the week I would be hosting. Unfortunately, as you all well know, nothing of any consequence happened this week. That is, if you don't think that the first Supreme Court nomination in years is of any import.
I love his sense of humor. From the Ayn Rand quote at the bottom of the page, I take it that "Objective Justice" is a reference to Objectivism. Which reminds me, I want to go back and read The Fountainhead. It's been awhile, and when I read it for the first time in high school, I skipped over the socio-economic discussion. Too boring for me then. Not now.


Sean Sirrine said...

You're absolutely correct, I am an objectivist to the core.

Thank you for your link, and Happy Birthday to The Mommy Blawg!

The Mommy Blawger said...

Finished The Fountainhead, am halfway through Altas Shrugged.