Scotland Today).
A campaign is underway - - to promote a similar law in Britain.
Here in the states, however, Kansas Senate balks at breastfeeding bill.
A Massachusetts bill would also impose fines (Harwich Oracle). The article states:
Supporters said that it is important to put these traditional protections into state law so that there is no chance that breastfeeding mothers are charged with a crime or denied their right to breastfeed when necessary. Some opponents said that the law is unnecessary because breastfeeding is not currently illegal and there are no reported incidents of mothers being charged with a crime or being denied the right to breastfeed.
And the Texas Bills I blogged about in January which would prohibit the promotion of artificial baby milk (er - infant formula) have been referred to committee. If the bills make it out of committee (doubtful), that means no more free diaper bags at the hospital, sorry ladies.
4/12/05 Edited to Add: Ohio bill